Imagine you’re college student in your cramped dorm room with the radio on one night and you hear a piece of music that makes you say out loud “Who Is That???”. Then, imagine becoming such a fan of the artist that you buy every record they made and know it almost well enough to play it because you’ve listened to it that much. THEN, imagine that 20 years later, you’re designing their official website for all to see. Well, the aforementioned describes my unlikely journey to become the developer of Stanley Clarke’s websites for well over 20 years now.
How this all came about is a much longer story that includes a number of happenstances and a wonderful mutual late, great friend of both Stanley and me, Robert Shure. That all said, I’m grateful to have designed all of Stanley Clarke’s website since he first went online in 2001. Stanley has been so easy to work with over the two decades of our association. Through too many iterations of the sites to show here, my interest has always been to create and present his sites in a way that I thought Stanley and fellow fans, like me, would appreciate.
I hope that I succeeded in this regard.